(613) 963-5000

Newsletter and Calendar

Orchard View July Review 2022

July is a month filled with sunshine and opportunity to get your vitamin D. We are excited for the fun we will have at Orchard View in Almonte. OVM Newsletter July...

Orchard View Review May 2022

May is a beautiful month as spring is here with warmer weather, greener grass, birds singing, flowers blooming and most importantly Mother’s Day. See how we celebrate Mothers Day at Orchard View by the Mississippi. OVM Newsletter May...

Orchard View Review June 2022

We have made it to June with summer coming, then spring! Our gardens are starting to look beautifully colourful. The residents have been working hard at turning the soil, fertilizing it and planting new variations to add more colour, texture, fragrance to their...

Orchard View by the Mississippi March Review 2022

Spring is coming soon with the sighting of robins in our area and our groundhogs saw his shadow. See what else is going on at Orchard View by the Mississippi in keeping the fun alive during the last few weeks of snow! St. Patty’s is one of our favourite...

Orchard View by the Mississippi February Review 2022

Unlike other years, I think that we should spread more love around this year as we all need an extra long hug! Look inside to see what fun we had at New Year’s Eve and what fun we will be having!! Give yourself a hug first then share it with someone you love!...

Orchard View by the Mississippi Review January 2022

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!   It’s a wonderful time of year when the sun sparkles on the bright white snow and there is a crisp feeling in the air! Whether it’s cold outside or not, inside Orchard View we have many rays of sunshine with...

Orchard View by the Mississippi Review December 2021

Welcome to the wonderful month of December were we celebrate something fun each day. We go all out with our decorations and activities for everyone to enjoy whether actively or passively! Check out our facebook page @orchardviewmississippi to see the pictures. OVM...

Orchard View by the Mississippi November Review 2021

November is our time to say thank you to those that pull their lives on the line for us to have freedom. Many people still don’t to this day. Our lives would be so very different without the bravery and honour they gave for our country.   OVM Newsletter...

Orchard View by the Mississippi October Review 2021

My favourite time of year has come again. And no matter what craziness is in the world, I enjoy the colours, the peace and smell that brings me comfort. Please take a moment and capture the beauty of the world we live in. If you need some inspiration, see what we are...




Orchard View by the Mississippi
219 Paterson Street
Almonte, Ontario
K0A 1A0


Phone: (613) 963-5000

Fax: (613) 256-6000


 Find Us On Facebook at Facebook/OVM